Tuesday, December 22, 2015

In The Heart of the Sea

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade:B+

Review: Excellent film that is not afraid to take it's time, and by doing such makes itself a much better movie.

This film has excellent atmosphere, and fantastic characters. Unlike too many modern films this one does not rush into the action, but rather lets you get absorbed into the world of the film, before the story really gets underway. This makes the film more intense and engaging when the story really does get under way. The characters are complex yet we understand and relate to them quite well.

The whale hunting scenes are quite exciting. They look fantastic, and are full of suspense. This film is in fact full of visual amazement.

On the downside, the dialog often feels forced and the film sometimes feels like it is trying to hard to be deep and meaningful (though often times it is). These faults may hinder some people's enjoyment of the film, but as for me they were surrounded by so much greatness, that I couldn't help but love this movie.

For those who also like slower moving films, this is an excellent experience that can be both entertaining and thought provoking.

-Michael J. Ruhland

Monday, December 21, 2015

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade: B

Review: New Stars Wars film plays it safe, maybe too safe, but is fun and atmospheric, which is exactly what a Star Wars film should be.

When I say the movie plays it safe, I don't mean a lack of good and surprising plot twists, but rather that the film at times is very close to A New Hope. A few scenes seem lifted from there. However these scenes are still done well, and there is enough different that this film is by no means pointless.

The film is fun, and offers us a great visit back to the world we enjoyed in the previous films. The characters both old and new are quite likable, the world is awe-inspiring, and the film is engaging. The film is just really fun. Though it may go on a bit long, it never loses the viewers interest, and you never become really bored by it. At times it's predictable, and there is little we haven't seen before, but again the film is too well done to harp too much on these faults.

-Michael J. Ruhland